We've been waiting for you.

Now let's conquer the world!

You're an integral part of our brand family now.

Michael Jordan said - "To Learn To Succeed You Must First Learn To Fail."

You've made it already, now RELAX, have FUN, ask lots of questions and feel free to stumble, make mistakes and make a fool of yourself. We’ve all done it before you.

No one is holding you under a microscope as you settle into your new gig.
Get comfortable with your own style and how you want to ‘roll’.

Throughout your First Month at ILLA:
Buddying UP

Your first day will be fairly slow.
First, you'll sign all the paperwork, submit your hiring documents, and familiarize yourself with this handbook!
Then, you'll have a chance to meet everyone including your manager.
To help you transition smoothly, a Buddy will be there to guide you as you adapt to your new environment. In addition, your Manager will offer guidance and direction in your role, lay out the expectations for your first few months, and have regular check-ins to ensure your progress.
We'll also provide initial training sessions tailored to your role's requirements.
Throughout the month, we'll Include you in relevant team activities and projects and constantly provide constructive feedback on your progress and contributions.

We advise you to:


You'll closely work with different departments to gain an understanding of how the workflow operates. This cross-functional experience will provide you with insights into the broader operations of the company.

ASK silly questions

We strongly encourage you to be curious and ask any questions that come to mind. While you've learned a lot in school or from past jobs, at ILLA, learning happens by doing. During your initial weeks, you'll collaborate closely with experienced and friendly colleagues to become proficient in various tasks. 

Speak UP 

At our workplace, everyone has open access to anyone in the company. Expect welcoming attitudes and a receptive atmosphere. You'll discover colleagues who value your viewpoints and suggestions, regardless of your position. 
You're now an integral part of the team, and your voice holds equal importance. Make your voice heard."

It's not an open door policy.
It's a NO DOOR policy.

Mobirise Website Builder


By now, you should have done the below:
Mobirise Website Builder
Submitted your Hiring Documents
Mobirise Website Builder
Signed the Contract
Mobirise Website Builder
Joined our Company Telegram Group
Mobirise Website Builder
Got Acquainted with your Buddy
Mobirise Website Builder
Got introduced to your direct Manager and Team
Mobirise Website Builder
Found your way around the office and to your work station

Your Mission

We are here to steer you away from the ordinary and into the dynamic universe of ILLA, where your potential has NO boundaries.

By the end of your first week, you should have done one (or more)
of the following:

- Introduced yourself to 3 other employees
- Told a joke to a colleague (they’ve got to laugh for it to count!)
- Tried working from a different office (On our premises of course :) ).

By the time you’ve finished your second week, you should have done TWO (or more)
of the following:

- Shared a bag of sweets (of your choice) at a team meeting
- Learned how to do something that isn’t in your ‘job role’ (Learn how to write a line of code! or create a design)
- Given at least 2 compliments to at least 5 colleagues
(you can’t make them up - they’ve got to be genuine!)

By the time you’ve finished your third week, you should have done THREE (or more)
of the following:

- Shared a Useful Hack: Teach your team a useful life or work hack that you've learned.
- Told an embarrassing (true) story about yourself
- Posted a photo of you and a colleague on our company Telegram Group
- Gave a fully inflated balloon to one of your colleagues

At the end of the month, you should have done all of the following:
- Got paid (Rest Assured, we’ll take care of this one)

Work Place Etiquette

Unified in purpose, we forge a path of collaboration and innovation, crafting a shared future of achievement


Conduct yourself professionally at all times. Show respect for colleagues, clients, and stakeholders through your words, actions, and demeanor. 
Respect personal boundaries and maintain a harassment-free work environment.
Maintain personal hygiene and dress appropriately to reflect a professional image.


Arrive on time for work and meetings. Notify your supervisor or team in advance if you anticipate lateness or absence.
Minimize disruption to work processes and team collaboration.

Effective Communication

Practice effective and respectful communication. Listen actively, use mindful language and tone, and respect others' opinions even in disagreement. Maintain professional and courteous communication in all written and verbal interactions.

Conflict Resolution 

Handle conflicts or disagreements professionally and respectfully. Seek resolution through open communication, active listening, and collaboration. If needed, involve supervisors or the designated conflict resolution process to address conflicts promptly and effectively.
Address conflicts privately and avoid public accusations or criticisms.

Mindful Noise & Conversations

Be conscious of your voice volume when talking on the phone or having conversations in open areas.
Keep socializing to a minimum and conduct conversations in areas where noise won't distract others.
Avoid conversing over cubicle walls and use appropriate language that others may overhear.

Minimize Interruption 

Respect others' focus and productivity by minimizing unscheduled interruptions.
Whenever possible, communicate through Telegram, email, or phone instead of unexpected in-person visits to someone's office or workspace.

Collaboration, Support & Gratitude

Collaborate effectively by sharing knowledge, offering assistance, and collectively striving for common objectives.
Extend a helping hand to colleagues in times of need and express gratitude for the support and assistance received from colleagues.


Offer feedback in a clear, respectful, and timely manner, promoting understanding and growth.
Receive feedback with an open mind, valuing opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Refrain from any form of discrimination or bias, treating all colleagues equally and with respect.


Be adaptable and open to change in the work environment.

Health & Safety

Prioritize your well-being and the well-being of others by adhering to health and safety guidelines and policies. Promptly report any unsafe conditions or incidents to the appropriate department.

Respect for Company Property

Treat company equipment, facilities, and resources responsibly, with care and respect.

Technology & Internet Use

Utilize company technology resources for work-related purposes following the organization's acceptable use policy.
Refrain from accessing or distributing inappropriate or unauthorized material.


Keep your personal and work devices, like laptops and phones, secure by locking them when not in use.


Safeguard sensitive and confidential information related to the company, clients, and employees. Adhere to data protection and confidentiality policies.
Do not disclose or use confidential information for personal gain or to the detriment of the company or its stakeholders.

Useful to Know

Office Hours

We offer flexible working hours anytime between 8:30 am and 10:30 am.
However, for your first day only, please arrive by 10:30 am.

Breakfast & Lunch Breaks

There are no designated Breakfast & lunch times - feel free to take them whenever you want in the kitchen area.

Allowed @ILLA

- Anything that can be carried 😁

Examples cover a variety and aren't limited to:
Babies/children, Dogs, Cats, Parrots, Fish, Plants

Note:  Please remember that you're welcome to bring your pets to the office occasionally. However, it's important that they are well-behaved, trained, and don't cause disruptions to the work environment. Your furry friends should always be under your supervision while in the office.
Furthermore, prior approval from both the HR Department and your direct supervisor is necessary before bringing your pets to work. This ensures that everyone is comfortable and aware of the arrangement. Let's create a harmonious workspace for everyone, including our animal companions!

Not Allowed @ILLA

- Smoking in the office (smoking is permitted in designated areas, specifically balconies and anywhere outside the company premises).

- We have a strict "No Dangerous Pets Allowed" rule in the office. This means no spiders plotting world domination, no crocodiles discussing lunch options, and definitely no snakes organizing their next slithering adventure. While these instances might seem humorous, you'd be amazed at the variety of unconventional pets some individuals choose to keep.

First Aid Kit

There's a first aid kit available in every office. We hope you'll never have to need it.

Use Good Judgement

The utmost rule we emphasize is to: "Use Good Judgment."

Resourceful Contacts & Information

Personnel & Office Supplies

If you need assistance with your Hiring Documents or Office Supplies, please reach out to
Medhat Saleh
from the HR Department

Medical Insurance

If you have inquiries about the medical insurance, please reach out to
Ahmed Lotfy
from the HR Department.


- All available vacancies are on our Website - careers page and LinkedIn Page.

- Opening a Vacancy: If you intend to initiate a job opening, please email the Job Description and Job Requirements to the HR Manager, ensuring your Direct Manager is copied in the email.


- Referring a Candidate: To refer a potential candidate, kindly forward their CV along with the desired position to hr@illa.com.eg

HR Letter

If you require an HR Letter, kindly email
Hana Khedr
from the HR Department with the necessary information.


For any technical issues or requests, please reach out to
Waleed Bashir

from the IT Department.


If you have a concern or complaint, kindly review the policy and proceed to fill out the Grievance Form.

Business Cards

If you require Business Cards, kindly email
Yasmeen Yasser
from the Marketing Department.

Organization Chart

- To view the Organization Chart: Please click on the below link
Note: Password is on PeopleHum.

Office Facilities

For any questions or requests concerning office facilities, please reach out to either Medhat Saleh from the HR Department or one of the office helpers mentioned below.

Ahmed AbdElGhaffar
- AbdElRaouf Saied
- Alaa Soliman
- Anwer Saied
- Mohamed Ramadan

Telegram Bot

We have developed this Telegram Bot to provide support for upcoming events as well as answer HR and IT-related queries.

You're all set.
Start Creating Magic Now!

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